Heavy Metal

If your Spotify playlist is predominantly made up of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath tracks, then you should waste no time browsing our quality collection of heavy metal magazines.
SPRING   £7.78
MAR-APR   £9.74

Heavy Metal

If your Spotify playlist is predominantly made up of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath tracks, then you should waste no time browsing our quality collection of heavy metal magazines – guaranteed to knock the socks off every rock and extreme metal music fan out there!

Discover leading publications including Zero Tolerance and Powerplay available to purchase at Magazine Supermarket, for your monthly dose of heavy metal. Each issue provides insight into the hottest bands on the heavy metal scene, with artist interviews, new releases, upcoming tours and gigs, industry trends, recording news and more – so you can stay tuned with the most current sounds.

Plus, if you order your magazine by 3pm, we’ll despatch it the very same day – so you’ll have even more time to mosh with your metalheads!